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Women in Music: An Interdisciplinary Conference

About This Event

The day-long event will feature presentations in varying formats on any topics related to women in music. There will be a keynote presentation by Roger Moseley (Cornell University), author of Keys to Play: Music as a Ludic Medium from Apollo to Nintendo, and a live performance by pianist Kristin Ditlow (University of New Mexico), whose recent album Passages, features her arrangements of opera and song selections.

Featured Guests

  • Keynote speaker: Roger Moseley, Cornell University
  • Guest performer: Kristin Ditlow, University of New Mexico

March 9, 2024, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Gearan Center for the Performing Arts

MP3: Music Theory Examples by Women

Audience: Open to the Public

Category: Conference

Host: Hobart & William Smith Colleges

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