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Intra-Corridor Travel Supplement

Guidelines for Accessing These Funds

Intra-Corridor Travel supplemental funds are available to Corridor faculty, academic staff, and graduate students. They are intended to facilitate working group collaborations and to support participation in Corridor-funded events and activities across our region.

These guidelines raise awareness and increase transparency about the fund's availability for those engaging in Corridor-awarded activities, while also ensuring that funds remain available across the academic year.

We offer these guidelines and a reimbursement request template as suggestions to our Corridor partners. Specifics may vary slightly by institution, so individuals seeking reimbursement should consult their home institution's contacts.

Does the activity I attended qualify for reimbursement?

  • Check the Corridor calendar to confirm that the activity you attended is listed. Include the event link with your reimbursement request. If it's not listed, contact the Working Group Organizers for remediation.
  • Off-campus retreats and travel to/from satellite campuses are exceptions and do not qualify for reimbursement through this fund. Additional details are itemized below.

Who is eligible?

  • Faculty*
  • Academic staff*
  • Graduate students

*Faculty and academic staff from non-Corridor institutions, as well as from satellite campuses affiliated with Corridor institutions (e.g., campuses abroad, or campuses outside the CNY region, e.g., in Washington, D.C., etc.) -- can be involved in Working Group activities, as members or participants, but are ineligible for the Intra-Corridor Travel Supplement and honoraria. The Corridor encourages hybrid or remote collaboration for satellite campus participation.

Undergraduate students are, unfortunately, ineligible for this supplemental funding. But the Corridor can fund undergraduate student travel via other means:

  • Transportation costs for undergraduate students should be budgeted for within a working group proposal as part of the working group’s activity budget.
  • Working groups seeking to transport undergraduate students across the Corridor should follow all protocols and guidelines for student off-campus study at the students’ home institution.

What expenses are eligible to be reimbursed?

  • Mileage on a Personal Vehicle:
    • Mileage is measured as a return trip between one’s home Corridor institution and the Corridor institution one is visiting. Do not use a home address.
    • Mileage is reimbursed at the current government mileage rate, which is 67 cents per business mile for 2024.
    • Utilize carpooling among participants and organizers, whenever possible, for reasons of environmental and financial consciousness.
    • For off-campus or satellite campus retreats, individuals are responsible for their own mileage. We only reimburse for campus-to-campus trips for on-campus events.
  • Train/Bus Fare:
    • Reimbursement is possible for an economy train or bus fare between one’s home Corridor institution and the Corridor institution one is visiting.
    • Business class fare is not reimbursable.
  • Rideshare/Taxi:
    • Rideshare/taxi costs are reimbursable only up to the equivalent, current government mileage rate (as if driving a personal vehicle).
    • Coordinate shared rideshare or taxi services, whenever possible, if carpooling is not an option.
  • Parking:
    • Individual parking fees incurred during on-campus Corridor activities are reimbursable expenses.
    • Working Groups hosting large numbers of visitors may find it more efficient to arrange on-campus parking permits on behalf of their off-campus visitors; in those cases, parking expenses should be included in the activity's budget.
  • Hotel/Lodging:
    • For approved activities spanning more than one day, or in other select instances (e.g., distance between Corridor locales), reasonable hotel/lodging expenses may be reimbursable. Reimbursement specifics are up to the rules/regulations of each individual’s home institution using the university’s negotiated rates with local hotels, which are tax exempt and often at a discounted nightly rate.
    • Working Group Organizers, lodging: Pre-designated Working Group Organizers on file with the Corridor are eligible for up to $250/night of lodging reimbursement for approved multi-day Corridor activities they are actively hosting.
    • Corridor participants/attendees, lodging: Other Corridor-affiliated faculty, academic staff, and graduate students who attend a Corridor-approved activity are eligible for up to $150/night of lodging reimbursement for multi-day Corridor activities. [Note that this rate is higher than government ( lodging reimbursement rates for Corridor locales.]
    • Off-campus retreats: Corridor groups wishing to host an off-campus retreat involving an overnight stay must include lodging costs in their working group proposal as part of their budget outline. Retreat lodging for an entire group is not eligible for reimbursement through the intra-Corridor travel supplement, as lodging, in this instance, is central to the activity itself.

Unfortunately, individual meals or per diems cannot be reimbursed through this fund.

  • Group meals (or catering) should be applied for in the proposal process through the Working Group Activity budget if/when appropriate.

Who do I contact at my home institution for reimbursement?

Syracuse University:
CNY Humanities Corridor

Cornell University:
Julie McLean, Program Manager: Society for the Humanities, Rural Humanities, and Humanities Scholars Program, Society for the Humanities

University of Rochester:
Jennie Gilardoni, Assistant Director of Programs

Colgate University:
Laura Festine, Associate Director of Corporate, Foundation, and Government Relations

Hamilton College:
For approvals: Penny Yee, Associate Dean of Faculty

For processing (once approved): Nicolas de la Riva, Assistant Dean for Academic Finance and Resources

New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium (other than Colgate and Hamilton) — this includes Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Skidmore College, St. Lawrence University, and Union College:
Peter Simons, Project Manager, NY6

Le Moyne College:
Emily Mulrooney, Executive Assistant to Provost

Rochester Institute of Technology:
For those in the College of Liberal Arts: Israel Brown, Director of Financial Planning and College Operations

For those in the College of Art & Design: Jennifer McKean, Senior Financial Assistant for the Dean's Office