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Scores of Scores Music Encoding and Management

About This Event

Each year we collaborate with Mark Gotham (Durham University) to expand and improve the musical data and computational infrastructure at the heart of our work. The encoding project is open to the global public and ongoing. Connected with the Open Music Theory textbook (which receives tens of thousands of views per day), we continue to develop along the existing lines of score and analysis encoding, and public-facing anthologies of these materials. More specific technical developments are currently underway as well. We plan to develop an attractice and user-friendly interactive display of analyses, and we will test these developments on the user-end during our annual anlaysis-a-thon in March 2024.

Featured Guests

  • Mark Gotham (Durham University)
  • Felipe Martin (computer/musical expert)

Sept. 1, 2023, 9 a.m. to March 31, 2024, 11:59 p.m.


MP3: Music Theory Examples by Women

Audience: Open to the Public

Host: University of Rochester

Category: Other