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Pico della Mirandola: Humanism, Posthumanism, Transhumanism. Lessons for the Contemporary World

About This Event

Francesco Borghesi, University of Sydney (AUSTRALIA) "Pluralism in the Renaissance"

Travis Holloway, SUNY Farmingdale (USA) "Cosmology, Coloniality, and Climate Change"

Jeremy David Bendik-Keymer, Case Western Reserve University (USA); and 1492: Vertical Privilege and Horizontal Imperialism, Roots of Planetary Injustice"

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Featured Guests

Francesco Borghesi, University of Sydney (Australia) Travis Holloway, SUNY Farmingdale (USA) Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, Case Western Reserve University (USA)

May 6, 2022, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.


PCT11: Theorizing Italy

Audience: Open to the Public

Category: Workshop or Mini-Seminar

Host: Rochester Institute of Technology
