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Creighton Club Centennial Conference

About This Event

The Creighton Club, founded in 1921, is the principal historic meeting ground for philosophers in upstate and western New York. The April 2022 Conference (rescheduled from 2021) is the centennial of the Creighton Club. The centennial comprises an almost all-keynote program, featuring Louise Antony, Earl Conee, Nicole Hassoun, Jessica Moss, and Ted Sider. The conference will also include talks by the three winners of the Graduate Student Presentation Awards.

The conference is sponsored by the Central New York Humanities Corridor from an award by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and by the Marion Hoeflich Memorial Fund (through Colgate University’s Philosophy Department).

For planning purposes and to comply with COVID-19 restrictions, participants should complete the RSVP survey.

For more information about the conference, visit:

Download a printable flyer.

Tentative Schedule of Events:

Friday, April 8:

  • 3:30pm- Informal Gathering at the Hamilton Village Green for conference participants who have already arrived (weather permitting, alternatively at the Colgate Inn)
  • 5:00pm- Nicole Hassoun (Binghamton University)
  • 7:00pm- Dinner for Conference Participants
    • Venue TBD

Saturday, April 9:

  • 8:30am- Snacks and Coffee
    • Lawrence Hall 105
  • 9:00am- Louise Antony (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
    • Lawrence Hall 105
  • 10:30am- Break
  • 10:45am- Earl Conee (University of Rochester)
    • Lawrence Hall 105
  • 12:15pm- Lunch
  • 1:30pm- Graduate Student Parallel Sessions
  • 3:00pm- Break
  • 3:15pm- Jessica Moss (New York University)
    • Lawrence Hall 105
  • 4:45pm- Break (and Creighton Club Business Meeting in Lawrence Hall 105)
  • 5:00pm- Ted Sider (Rutgers University)
    • Lawrence Hall 105
  • 7:00pm- Conference Dinner

Sunday, April 10:

  • Morning- Hike on Local Trails (Weather Permitting, for those still in town)

Featured Guests

Nicole Hassoun (Binghamton University) Louise Antony (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Earl Conee (University of Rochester) Jessica Moss (New York University) Ted Sider (Rutgers University) Alex Horne (University of Cambridge) Thiago Xavier de Melo (Syracuse University) Hannah Winckler-Olick (Cornell University)


Marion Hoeflich Memorial Fund (through Colgate University’s Philosophy Department)

April 8, 2022, 3:30 p.m. to April 9, 2022, 7 p.m.

Lawrence Hall, Colgate University

PCT1: Creighton Club - Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy

Host: Colgate University

Category: Conference

RSVP by April 1, 2022
