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Celebrating Spanish Poetry with Aurora Luque and Poetry, Light and Drawing opening reception

About This Event

One of the most famous poets in Spain, Aurora Luque is the author of numerous works, including Camaradas de Ícaro, La siesta de Epicuro, Personal & político and Gavieras. Luque has been honored for her work with significant awards, including the Loewe Prize and the Generación del 27 Prize. Most recently, she won the 2022 Spanish National Poetry Prize for her book Un número finito de veranos (A Finite Number of Summers). Luque reading will correspond with the art exhibit showing 52 graphite and watercolor drawings by Varas based on his reading of Aurora Luque's work.

Featured Guests

Aurora Luque- poet Jorge Varas- Sculptor and lecturer in the Department of Drawing at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University Complutense Madrid


Sponsored by the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Lectures Committee and Hetterich Center for Global Engagement and Impact at Le Moyne College; the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics and Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures at Syracuse University; and the Central New York Humanities Corridor.

Feb. 22, 2023, 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Quantitative Reasoning Center, Noreen Reale Falcone Library LE MOYNE COLLEGE

LLC13: Word and Image in Spain and the Americas

Audience: Open to the Public

Category: Performance

Host: Le Moyne College