Another World is Possible: Organizers Roundtable
About This Event
In this organizers' roundtable, Rochester-based participants from a variety of grass roots organizations pushing for decarceral change in Albany and in Rochester will introduce their projects with the hope of getting students involved in their campaigns.
Featured Guests
Elders & Allies: Shirley and James Thompson VOCAL: Stanley Martin RAPP: Jose Di Lenola CCA: Thomas Gantt Gandhi institute: Jonathon Jones Citizen Action: Jalil Muntaquim Monroe County Defender’s Office: Ruth Seabolt
Decarceral Student Organizing Coalition, Center for Community Engagement, Department of Religion and Classics, Rochester Education Justice Initiative
Jan. 19, 2023, 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Rush Rhees Library, Hawkins-Carlson
LLC5: Incarceration and Decarceration
Audience: Open to the Public
Category: Workshop or Mini-Seminar
Host: University of Rochester