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About This Event

Each year our working group hosts an Analysis-a-Thon, which helps expand upon the number of encoded analyses in our database while testing new technical advancements with the tech developers. In recent years, we've found it helpful to meet together on Zoom, but also felt that there wasn't enough time for participants to experiment with the technology more on their own. To accommodate this, we will provide a video tutorial and allow for approximately one week of asynchronous work. This will allow the participants to work at their own pace and test various features out on their own time. The tech developers will be available to answer questions/assist at any time, and then we will collect user feedback after the weeklong trial has concluded. This feedback will help resolve any remaining problems with the new technology while also providing the tech developers with ideas for next steps in future development projects.

Featured Guests

  • Mark Gotham (Durham University)
  • Felipe Martin (computer/music expert)

March 25, 2024, midnight to April 2, 2024, 11:59 p.m.


MP3: Music Theory Examples by Women

Host: University of Rochester

Category: Other