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African-European Interactions in West Africa: Planning Session

About This Event

This planning session will continue to build connections between the University of Ghana, Legon; the University of Rochester; and Syracuse University. The European slave forts of coastal Ghana are the focus of ongoing collaborative research, including two NEH awards and a Syracuse CUSE grant. The session organizers will use this opportunity to bring together faculty and staff in the working group to plan future research activities for 2023-24. Professor DeCorse's preliminary visit to Ghana in March 2023, as well as possible field school plans for summer 2023 are on the agenda.

Featured Guests

In addtion, to regular Syracuse University and the University of Rochester facuty, William Gblekpor, University of Ghana faculty member, will participate.


Travel and accomodation reimbursement for DeCorse will be requested from Syracuse University. Addtional support may be provided by the University of Rochester, if needed.

Jan. 20, 2023, 3:30 p.m. to Jan. 21, 2023, 8:30 p.m.

415 Hopeman, University of Rochester

DH10: Reconstruction, Structural Analysis, and Conservation of Ancient Monuments (formerly AM4)

Category: Workshop or Mini-Seminar

Audience: Open to Working Group Members or Invitation-Only

Host: University of Rochester

Category: Meeting