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ISD6: Communication & Social Justice


A collaborative and inclusive space for critical communication and media researchers at Syracuse University and Cornell University for fostering a vibrant community of support for social justice scholarship.

Open to New People

Active since: 2022

  • Syracuse University
  • Cornell University

Collaborative Goals

We hosted a writing retreat for our members in Aurora, NY from Sept 16-18, 2022. This was attended by Drs. Ramasubramanian, Lee Humphreys, and Butkowski and by grad students El Drissi, Bhatti, Baker, Birth, and McCoy. We had six writing sessions of about 1.5 hours each and also built in time for collaboration, feedback, and community building among members. We also went on a field trip to the Harriet Tubman Historic Park in Auburn NY to learn more about her life within the Central New York area, which aligns with our “Communication & Social Justice Working Group” aims. The purpose of this writing retreat was to provide dedicated time to participants to make significant progress on their writing and research projects in a supportive environment. A secondary goal of this retreat was to facilitate greater collaboration between Syracuse University and Cornell University grads and faculty by establishing a new Communication and Social Justice Working Group. This working group is supported by a grant from the CNY Humanities Corridor.

Group Organizers

Lee Humphreys

Professor and Chair, Department of Communication, Cornell University

Srividya Ramasubramanian

Professor and Newhouse Endowed Chair, Syracuse University

Group Members


  • Dr. Srivi Ramasubramanian, Newhouse Professor, Communications (Media Literacy and Social Justice), Syracuse University,
  • Dr. Lee Humphreys, Professor & Chair, Department of Communication (Social Uses of Communication Technology), Cornell University,


  • Dr. Monica Cornejo, Assistant Professor, Communication (Undocumented Immigrants and Communication), Cornell University,
  • Dr. Tracy Worrell, Chair & Professor, Communication (Disability Communication), Rochester Institute of Technology,
  • Dr. Nickesia Gordon, Associate Professor, Communication (Gender, Race, and Nationality and Communication for Social Change), Rochester Institute of Technology,
  • Dr. Mackini Beck, Assistant Professor, Academic Affairs, Rochester Institute of Technology,
  • Dr. Brice Nordquist, Associate Professor & Dean’s Professor of Community Engagement, Syracuse University,
  • Dr. Charisse L'Pree Corsbie-Massay, Associate Professor, Communication, Syracuse University,
  • Dr. David Oh, Associate Professor, Communication, Syracuse University,
  • Dr. Ritika Popli, Assistant Professor, Writing & Rhetoric, Colgate University
  • Dr. Martina Santia, Postdoctoral Scholar, Communication, Syracuse University,
  • Emilee Baker, PhD Student, Special Education, Syracuse University,
  • Shannon Burth, PhD Student, Mass Communication, Syracuse University,
  • Raiana Soraia De Carvalho, PhD Student, Mass Communication, Syracuse University,
  • Minnie McMillian, PhD Student, Psychology, Syracuse University,
  • Maya Espinel, undergraduate student, Syracuse University,
  • Melody Wilson, undergraduate student, Syracuse University,
  • Niah Edwards, undergraduate student, Syracuse University,
  • Sky Zhuang, undergraduate student, Syracuse University,
  • Nicole Cheah, undergraduate student, Syracuse University,

Group Outcomes