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Unstuck: Become the Writer You Already Are

About This Event

Michelle Boyd, Ph.D. (Inkwell Academic Writing Retreats)

Stuck in your writing but can’t figure out how to move forward? If you find yourself avoiding the parts of your manuscript that you know are most important; are afraid to say what you really think, even when only you will see that draft; or are so terrified you’ll miss something that you never stop reading--this workshop is for you.

In 90 minutes, Unstuck will teach you a simple technique for surfacing the thoughts and feelings that keep you from writing. By the end, you will finally understand the patterns that disrupt your writing, uncover your unique process for moving past those disruptions, and learn the key to making sure you implement that strategy.

This session is free and open to all interested faculty and graduate students from CNY Humanities Corridor institutions.

Oct. 7, 2022, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.


HF4: Corridor Futures & Initiatives

Category: Workshop or Mini-Seminar

RSVP by Oct. 6, 2022
