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LLC30 Planning Meeting for Rochester 2024

About This Event

During this planning meeting, tentatively scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 21-22, 2023, we will plan a larger event to take place at the University of Rochester during the following spring of 2024. Those able to arrive on Friday afternoon will take part in a series of activities and “scout” potential locations for the future event: attendees will visit collections related to 19th Century American culture at the University libraries, city art galleries, and local historical sites. On Saturday, beginning at 9:30am, we will meet for coffee and pastries at the University of Rochester Humanities Center, commence our first meeting at 10am with introductions, and then form into smaller break-out groups. After a catered lunch, the morning’s break-out groups will report back to the whole on the activities and dates that seem most promising for our Spring 2024 event.

Featured Guests




April 21, 2023, noon to April 22, 2023, 2 p.m.

Humanities Center Conference Room (212C Rush Rhees Library)

LLC30: Culture and Democracy in Nineteenth-Century New York

Category: Workshop or Mini-Seminar

Host: University of Rochester